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The Skin Snap Back

You started a great workout and eating plan and you are seeing the results of your consistency and commitment. But are you also seeing the sagging, loose skin starting to take up an unflattering position where the fat used to be? Well here are some tips to help you keep your skin looking firm as you progress through your weight loss journey.

  • Drink plenty of water.

Keeping your body well hydrated will increase the elasticity of your skin. Dehydration leaves your skin cells shriveled up and inflexible. The average person should consume ½ ounce to an ounce of water per pound of body weight.  Yes, I said it.

What it looks like – a person who weighs 140lbs should strive to get 140 ounces or 4L a day. And this could be more depending on the type and intensity of your daily workout.

  • Lose weight gradually.

Losing weight to fast can result in having too much excess skin afterwards. Generally, a good, safe weight loss strategy is between 1-3 pounds per week. Following unsupervised cleanses and fad diets will impact the healthy of your skin and losing weight too rapidly will impact your overall long-term success in keeping off the weight.

Anything over this is not healthy, sustainable weight loss.

  • Don’t go too low on carbohydrates.

All carbs are not bad and are needed for a healthy, balanced diet. If you are losing weight rapidly, anywhere from 4-6 pounds per week you are seriously pushing the limit and may have dropped too low in your carbohydrate intake. Cut out the refined flours, breads and simple sugars and add a moderate amount of complex carbs like sweet potatoes, quinoa and beans.  This is an excellent way to keep your carbs and still maintain a healthy weight loss goal.

  • Lift weights!

Attention my sisters, you need to lift weights! Simple cardiovascular exercises help lose fat but what is left is loose, sagging skin. One of the myths I constantly hear is I don’t want to get bulky, my response YOU WON’T.  Toned, tight muscles underlying the skin will be a strong and taunt foundation to rest on. In other words, muscle will fill out where the fat used to reside! Not to mention, muscle burns calories long after the workout has ended so it’s a double whammy to reach your goals.

  • Dry Skin Brushing.

Increase circulation and break up cellulite directly under the skin surface by dry brushing your skin. This practice promotes two benefits for your body. It firms and smooths out skin and goes deeper to cleanse the lymphatic system and helps strengthen your immune system.

  • Incorporate some support.


The amino acids lysine and proline play a direct role in collagen production, so it is vital for healthy skin to obtain adequate protein.

Vitamin C

Helps protect the skin from sun exposure and is needed for collagen protein synthesis to repair damaged skin.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Skin elasticity has been shown to “bounce back” with a good combination of EPA and DHA (from fish oil) and GLA (from evening primrose oil – Omega 6).


Research has shown that adding collagen hydrolysate or hydrolyzed collagen in powdered form can significantly strengthen and protect our natural skin collagen.


As an Independant Consultant with Arbonne, one of my favorites I use as part of my healthy skin regime, is Arbonne Skin Elixir. This vegan formula contains a botanical blend with sea buckthorn extract, combined with ingredients like hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C to help in collagen production to maintain healthy bones, cartilage, teeth, and gums. Like a super water for your skin, it’s your daily dose of inner-loving care.


Whatever you do love the skin you are in. You are beautiful just the way you are.

Comment below and share your snap-back regime.